
To Summarise..
i would hope that by the time you reach here, that it is clear what the difference is between direct experience and concept and that you recognize the illusory nature of an inherently independent self, running the show.
That you realize that choice, decision, control only exist as a mental construct overlaying an existing happening.
It may also be, that the seeking urge has gone AWOL.
That the urge to read or watch a video of some enlightened being has also diminished.

What comes next?

If the above sits well with you, then you have discovered ‘stream entry’, or passed through the ‘gateless gate’ (to use some common descriptions)
This signifies the beginning of an endless journey.
Now there is a lifetime of habitual and conditioned reflexes to eliminate.
These may be simply unexamined responding to that which hasn’t yet been triggered, or they may be embedded trauma based responses that have been avoided.

If it is the first, then simply being attuned to the more subtle cues will show you where to look.
These are simply unexamined areas of identification, and once seen will dissipate.
If this is appropriate then i recommend the Fetter work.

On the other hand, if they keep coming back and don’t dissipate when recognized, then they are likely the result of embedded trauma.
This happens (usually) when as a child we don’t have the capability to put what is happening into a perspective that doesn’t impact us deeply.
My story about this is that it is beyond the intellectual capacity of the child to cope and so it gets ‘remembered’ by the body. It becomes a cellular memory which produces a fear response whenever it is approached. Of course there are many variations to this.
This is referred to as “shadow” stuff.

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