
_If you’re a spiritual seeker, then you probably think that you know what awakening is.
…but unless you have already ‘woken up’ you’ll most likely be wrong about that.
Now before we look at  What is awakening? let’s consider one of the most frequent blocks to experiencing ‘reality’ – ..and that is expectations.
This website is about waking up. (Ok, this is the first pointer..) i’ve emphasised the word “about” to highlight something that is really important.
If you think or say or read or hear or watch anything, and it is ABOUT something, then it is conceptual.
What is the difference between a concept and what is actual?
Concept means an abstract idea or notion created in the mind, while actual refers to something experienced by the body.
To put it simply, a concept is like an idea in our thoughts, whereas actual refers to sensory input.
‘Reality’ (i don’t like this word. It carries too much baggage) means what you are experiencing now, while ‘concept’ refers to the content of thoughts and ideas.
When read these words you will be having an intellectual experience. (experiencing a concept)
That is, you will be focusing on the content of your thoughts.
This is a problem with reading words.
They tend to stay in the head. The response to them goes unnoticed unless it is dramatic.
So, to get the most out of these words, understand that every single sentence is carefully considered.
With this in mind, pause at the end of a message (a sentence or a phrase) and focus on your bodily reaction.
_To really grok what i am pointing at, will require you to have a particular attitude.
To really grok what i am pointing at, will require you to have a particular attitude.
An attitude that leads to an unfamiliar perception.
A description of that attitude is what i call Discovery mode.